Why Do Brokers Give Bonus to Clients? 

Every year, hundreds of thousands of brokers are chosen to participate in programs to provide bonuses to the clients. The reason brokers participate in these programs is that they can receive a bonus based on the amount of money their clients invest in a specific option. The majority of brokerage firms offer some type of share trading bonus or a discount for a variety of reasons. These reasons are based on the volume of investments, the risk level of the options being traded, and the profitability of the clients. Bonuses help the brokers to attract new clients. You can go to https://robomarkets.com/for-professionals/bonuses/profit-share/ to avail of a profit share bonus at RoboMarkets.
The majority of brokers will offer their clients a share trading bonus when a client requests an investment plan. This incentive is usually based on the number of clients a broker has under his business control and not on the total amount of money a particular client invests. It is common for brokers to offer a discount or share trading bonus to new accounts. The brokers realize that these accounts typically have a short period of time before the client must close his or her account in order to take advantage of the discount. This is why brokers provide incentives for new clients to open accounts with them. 

A common incentive offered to new accounts is a discount on the option money being traded. Although most brokers have different plans, they all share a common discount rate. The rate is usually between one and five percent. The discount is provided as an incentive for clients to lock in their shares at a lower price so they can start trading without being locked in at a higher rate.
Another incentive provided for a client is a https://robomarkets.com/for-professionals/bonuses/profit-share trading bonus when his or her account becomes delinquent. Some brokers have several delinquent accounts that would be contributing to a client's penalty for trading without an account open. These additional fees are commonly referred to as a penalty fees. Brokers may have up to one year during which the penalty fee cannot occur. Most brokers have up to three years during which this penalty cannot occur.
When a client has a higher than an average number of shares available and decides not to use them, some brokers may penalize the client by reducing the number of shares he or she is allowed to trade. This does not happen all of the time, but if it does happen, a trader may end up losing more than his or her original investment.